day seven. seven days. seven days of having a sick husband. on day five he was supposed to go to the doctor. his symptoms include fever sweats, achy body, extremely sore throat to the point of being unable to eat the chili i made him because his throat is so raw, lots of mucous, possibly (is this possible?) too much saliva, super tiredness, super laziness, super not leaving the bedness, royally irritating his wife, being super irritable and snapping at everything said wife says and complaining about the massive amount of ricolas ingested.
on day five, his father came over and they had a discussion revolving around the fact that going to the dr is not going to make him better. thanks dude. not only this but others have had similar cold/viruses that have lasted two weeks. so we have another seven + days to go! yay!
on day six, i got home from work to have an actual conversation with my husband. an actual conversation! i've never been so happy! somehow, coughing up the mucous that was so large he gagged on it and spending the entire night hacking in the other room made it so that my husband had rounded the bend and i had him back! sort of. he still snapped at me when i suggested maybe he could go outside.
on day seven (yes today) he sends me a message "So if my mucus i coughed up looks like dijon mustard, is that bad?" of course that's not bad. what makes that bad? when you coughed up blood, that made me nervous. but dijon mustard? oh wait, internet research is telling me that you have tonsil stones. tonsil stones? what is this thing? that is so weird. nope, further research tells me that you are probably getting better. please pray that we are on our way out of this and that i do not murder my husband.
you know what the hardest part about having a sick husband? i haven't been able to talk to anyone for days. i haven't been able to talk to my best friend about my work, my life, any random thing that happened to me. days have gone by and i didn't get any questions about my visit with my dad, my all day assembly, my 4+ hour drive. i have no one who cares about anything that i do. well, maybe not no one but at the same time it's really hard having no response to anything that you do. i know when i get home tonight i won't be able to talk about my day. i'll spend my time cleaning up and making sure someone else is taken care of... this is why i don't have kids. i'm obviously ridiculously selfish.
i'm feeling very unmotivated. run wise. it's cold out there and i'm super lazy all of a sudden. getting myself to move is like waiting for ketchup to come out. it takes forever so i need to be wacked.
so i'm going to do another 30 in 30. or #thirtyin30. between and bjones style #fitfabfallchallenge i guess november is the time to do it. plus, october's almost over so that would just be silly to try and do something in october. plus i have a lump of a shmuzband. he's sick. it's killing me. i'm at work and i'm basically sleeping. i have no idea how i've managed to not get sick so far. how does that happen? how can you be in such close quarters with someone, have them hacking on you all night and not get sick? i'm gonna go with my body is better than his.
plus, can we talk about sick men for a moment here? when i'm sick, i give myself the necessary rest and what not but i also know that things still need to get done. there's still cooking and cleaning if i want to eat/, i don't know about anyone else but i get to a point where i a) need to clean the sickness out of everything - how can you get better if you're still laying in your sick sheets with sick air surrounding you? b) need to move/get fresh air. see a. c) have to get stuff done. it doesn't matter if i'm sick. the world still moves on. and dishes don't get clean if i'm laying around feeling sorry for myself.
for the past 4 days, life has revolved around a certain sick person. he hasn't left the house. he's BARELY left the bed (not enough for me to change the sheets i can tell you that much. the one time i straightened out the blankets i was yelled at because i ruined the heat nook he had created.).never in my life have i ever called out sick for more than one day. not even when i drove myself to the hospital because i didn't think i would ever stop puking.
i hope he doesn't have strep again.
so in order to keep me going, here are some sick husband jokes.
that's the only explanation for the things that happen. often, i am reprimanded by my boss for not catching a misspelled word and i've recently realized it's not my fault. when you spend most of your day deciphering someone's handwriting and formatting letters your typing becomes some what second nature. i type. a lot. when i'm not writing letters for work, i'm writing ridiculous long emails to my friends about the ridiculous things that happen. (of course, with discretion.) when i'm not writing to my friends, i'm blogging. hello. :) all typing. therefore, typing is something i often do with no thought behind. when you're typing someone else's thoughts and opinions often you have to shut off your own ways of doing things in order to write things the way they want it rather than how you think it should be. so i type. without thought. unless it's interesting in which case i do pay attention. but that's rare. .... my point being that i type and i don't pay much attention and therefore things come out of my fingers that i don't necessarily mean. i think my right hand is faster than my left hand. sue me. no please don't.
so when i'm done with a letter i run it through spell check and often times my boss will come back and say things like, what's this word mean, yo? what does ahve mean? find os in the dictionary for me please. yesterday alone, i found that my computer accepted iwth on two separate occasions but would not allow mischaracterized to be a word. i don't get it. but today, i laughed today i typed out
guess what my computer thought i meant to type..
so wrong. or worng like i just typed... maybe i need typing classes.
iwht = ahead. yup. demon spell checker right there. just trying to get me fired.
so recently i've switched to using an exercise ball instead of a chair at work. i did my research. i made the commitment. i decided i would switch it up as of the time that my bosses went on vacation for several reasons:
a) no child would be tempted to play with my "chair"
b) no one would be able to give me grief about it
c) i wouldn't have to hear anything about it if i hated it.
also other reasons,
d) i sit at a desk all day, my hope was that i would move more
e) apparently you can burn an extra 350 calories a day. i'm all for that.
selfish reasons. mainly to keep my own sanity.
i brought in the exercise ball i already had. $5 at some store. cheap. i figured if i liked it i could get one that would actually work. according to my research i would need a ball that was 55 cm since i'm 5'6". i thought about getting a bigger one since i do still need to be up a little higher but soon after bringing my small ball in i was given the chance to borrow a 55 cm ball and i thought, "sweet". yes, i am really that deep.
so bosses on vacation for two and a half weeks. what did i notice? i noticed that i sat a whole lot lower. i have to bounce (don't laugh) in order to see if someone has parked in the parking lot or if someone is coming in. i'm probably at least 10" lower than i would be in my chair. but that also has it's benefits. i can cross my legs and not hit my keyboard. i also realized that i got up a whole lot more. i have to get up to check the phone to see who's calling. i have to get up to file. i have to get up to hit accept on the fax machine. but also i wanted to get up. move around a whole lot more.
but also while they were gone i was doing a whole lot of things that didn't really require me sitting all day so now that they're back, it's a whole new ball game.
my job mainly consists of answering the phone, making appointments, filing, making folders for clients, dealing with clients, and typing. lots of typing. i know proper form for desk sitting. both feet on the floor, computer monitor at head level, keyboard just below your hands, elbows bent at 90 degrees...
this ball is short. my boss has started calling me a less fond word than "tiny". when clients come in i have to stand up so they know i'm there. (there's a counter space above my desk so i'm hard to see)
also, while i love that i do get up more and move more i'm getting pains in my hips if i don't move for too long. probably from my rolling forward and resting on the backs of my heels. and my reach is wrong for my keyboard. so that's why i'm happy to inform you that today is my last day on the ball.
with all hope, by tomorrow i will be riding high on this:
i like that there are wheels and adjustable heights. while i do believe that my posture has gotten better, i am a bit thankful that there is a small back support. i have been using my ball to do some stretches/exercises in my down time so i'm hoping that will continue. plus i hope that just having the ball will inspire me to move more. since that is the whole purpose of it. plus it will keep littles from playing with it. possibly. and hopefully it will solve my hip problem.
only time will tell. and i'll keep you updated on the progress.
there is a creepy man outside. i want to lock the door and hide. maybe just hiding will be sufficient. nope. he's done. this is awesome. unfortunately he's done in a donald trump "ya fired!" sorta way. yesterday i locked the door and put my computer on the floor so i could hide from him. in all honesty, he's my boss's friend and was doing some work on the building. i'm sure in his own right he's a very nice person and he means well but he gives me the bageegies. there's just something off.
anyone else creeped out when someone tells you calls you pretty? i feel like in an office setting that's just not ok. if you aren't my boyfriend/friend/husband/mom then call me by my name. pet names can be ok but only if they're universal. and not given by creepy men.
also, i'm freezing. just throwing that out there. anyone who wants to bring me a warm cup of soup, have at it.
speaking of soups, i've created a soup board on pinterest. because i love it that much.
also i made my first calzone last night. it's missing something. i used karen's recipe for the dough and literally just folded a regular pizza in half. i'm thinking it needs a little more work cause the dough was kinda thin. but still delish.
my 30 miles in 30 days, i came in 1.9 miles under the limit. technically, i could have done it. but i didn't. i ran out of time. i wanted to run. but i had far too many other things going on. every time i thought oh i can squeeze another small run in here, i didn't. so i guess it's back to the drawing board. i can try again. maybe this month. maybe not. who knows. it's gonna be another crazy month but hopefully i'll be able to do something.
i finished the tuftonboro 5k in 27 minutes. that's not so bad. it was a pretty good course. i think i'd do it again. i was telling erik this was the first race i've ever been in that i actually wanted to do well in. that's strange, right? why would you do races if you don't want to succeed? well, technically for me and i'm assuming for a lot of other people i do succeed. only my measure of success is against myself not against super runners. people who run all the time. people whose lives revolve around running. that's not me. i'm more of a free spirit when it comes to running. if i start to get stressed out, i go for a run. if i'm feeling fat or frumpy, i go for a run. if i need to clear my head, i go for a run. i don't need to run for anyone else but myself. which is nice. but it doesn't win any races.
this race i wanted to do well in because i had people counting on me. i was running as a "sponsored" runner. i was running for follansbee landscaping. and because of this, i actually wanted to do something for more than just myself. that's a lot of pressure you know. especially when you're counting on your body and your body is a product of what you do with it.
i recently read this article about the slowest generation. my generation. well, maybe just a year or two under my generation. i'm gonna say my generation was the start of it but we still have some umph. i've watched articles about the rise of running. about how people started races. about how the nyc marathon got it's roots. but then here we came. this generation that was raised in a "you can do anything you set your mind to matter". a generation who's parents had been hippies. (maybe that was just me.) and who truly believed anything was possible.
the downfall of anything being possible is that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. to limit yourself sounds harsh. who stays with one job? who stops going to school? you can be anything! you can do anything! why stop?!?! (that's a story for another time.)
so here's the slowest generation. the generation that gets an award just for being there. just for showing up. a generation without pain, without heartache, without .... drive. if you never lose, if you get a medal just for trying what's the point? why try hard? why put any effort into it? why bother?
it reminds me of this skit from louis c.k. we aren't feeling. we aren't feeling like winners. we aren't feeling like losers. instead of competing, we're gliding. instead of doing something to better ourselves, we're rewarding ourselves with beer. we reward ourselves for the thought of the effort. go me. i may or may not accomplish this but yay. look at me "trying". maybe we just actually need to want something we can't have. or maybe we just need to feel something. or maybe we just need to be punched in the face so we can remember why we're doing things in the first place. i'm all for a happy go lucky attitude toward life but i also think we need to have something to believe in. something to feel. something to want so bad we would do anything to accomplish it.
if everyone just gets to do whatever they want... what's the point?
maybe you don't watch youtube. because you're an alien or you haven't heard of it yet. that's ok. i'm here to inform you: it's safe. go at it, big boy. ... wow. that just got weird.
anyhow, since i know i'm basically writing this to amy and i could just write her an email but then it on the off chance someone else hasn't heard of the internet (i recently learned that 15% of people don't use the internet because they think it's hard or costly or don't have access to it. weird, right? i read too many random articles... on the internet...) and hasn't heard of my favorite youtubers i thought i'd share.
obviously anyone who hasn't heard of dailygrace has just been living in a hole. and if you haven't heard of her, welcome. take a shower and watch every episode possible. however, the real reason i wanted to share this was because of my new love, beth in show. i had a really hard time picking my favorite video of hers but this one is pretty high up there. along with any of her interviews (where she auditions or where she interviews awesome people like gweneth paltrow or amanda bynes.)