let's see. in march i had lunch with my friend b. during which he told me that he was contemplating dating the daughter of one of his ex-girlfriend's friends. i think there's only like a 8-10 year age gap there.. and she's not legal to drink yet. i think that should be a deciding factor in who you date.
immediately after that i got the death plague. that was fun. i took like two and a half days off of work. miserable. but our friends brought me soup and tea and cookies and delivered it to my door. that was really sweet.
that didn't stop me from our ugly sweater party. there was too much prep that went into that to just let it go, even though by that point erik was pretending to have caught said death plague. faker.
so many stupid snow storms. (can you believe we had a snow storm last night? this winter is unreal.)
my friendtime with amy turned into her going to GG's memorial. :(
we had a family dinner with the T's since the majority of them could all finally get together. which ended in me, erik, ashley and leslie plank and wall sit battling.
erik started sappin. that took up the majority of our life. all he thought about, read about, talked about, researched, spent time doing... but i have to say it was worth it.
i watched moonrise kingdom with shannon. weird, interesting movie. suits us well, i think.
we made/attempted to make statement necklaces. and then i went out with the wine-o women. who didn't drink any wine. actually didn't drink anything but decided to explore thrift shops instead. it was pretty awesome.
while we're at it, i should probably say that some time during the end of march/showings of our apartment/beginning of april, we decided it was time to move. to o-town. another one of those things i thought would never happen (growing up anyhow. before i met erik. after erik and i got married i guess it became apparent that at some point in my life i would live in o-town). so whilst watching 6 year old twins, i started packing up my life in many many many boxes. (most for storage. so weird.) this month has mainly been spent packing. and working for ed. i did get a fancy new mug. this one to be exact:

and i love it so much. i had to order a storage closet for the attic because there's no closet in the room we'll be staying in. that hasn't come in yet. i'm only mildly freaking out that i'm moving this weekend and have no place to put anything.
i also ordered erik this shirt because it's so him. and i couldn't help myself.