in my dream. in real life i wouldn't be ok with it either. but in real life i don't think my parents (mom) would allow it to happen. that wasn't even the worst part. but i'll spare you the gory details. (wedding, mess, parents bed, craziness. blah. no good.)
anyhow, so my morning started with one of these:
who are we kidding it was really more like this:

and then i went into sumo mode. thankfully, erik has trained me well.
step one: bathroom. obviously. figure out how bad hair looks, brush teeth, pee, mascara.
step two: make a mess in the kitchen while making coffee. throw things. every where. decide having less than 15 minutes to get ready is an ok excuse for not putting anything away. (also remember that it's tuesday so bosses should be at office early. need to beat them there so they don't think you are habitually (you are) late.)
step three: back the bathroom to attempt to do something to hair. realize it's a lost cause. on to clothing.
step four: try to find clothing. hate all clothing. remember that you're running late and it doesn't matter clothing needs to be on body. clothe body.
step five: back to bathroom. hair attempt part three. no use. realize shirt is on backwards. decide you have time to turn shirt around.
step six: lose purse. where on earth did i leave that thing?
step seven: find purse. kiss husband. throw on coat. run out door.
step eight: come back and grab massive cup of coffee and try not to spill it as you run to your car.
step nine: realize you are at your car earlier than you normally would be. congrats. maybe you should be late more often.
step ten: get to office. no one is there to congratulate you on being super fast. like world record fast. become sad. decide to write blog post so someone can appreciate your speed.
you make me smile.