well, within reason crazy i'd say.
first up, yesterday marked one month until my three year anniversary. three year anniversary's are marked by leather presents. for the first time i think i might follow this tradition. i'm thinking about getting the huzz (shhh don't tell him) a leather watch. but i'm contemplating purchasing it now so i know i'll have it. but do i break code? especially after the roller coaster i had this weekend? you decide. my brain is fried.
speaking of which my $ .88 purchase marked the beginning of the end just as i thought it might. i don't believe we bought anything else friday but saturday husband decided we needed to go to lowes where i found a lampshade i've been looking for every where (it's hard to not buy things based on what month you're in when you live so far away from things. i haven't been to lowes in months. maybe almost a year. so i got it.) and then after all that i've been looking for a spider plant all year. i thought spider plants were easy to come by. i thought everyone had a spider plant. everyone obviously sells spider plants. not so. so after finally finding a hawaiian spider plant i was beyond excited. (of course, then we went to huzz's work for dirt only to have his boss give me spider babies. sooo... now i'm going to create a hybrid awesomeness!) oh and i bought a new pot to put it in (it was $1.80. not breaking the bank) because the roots of those poor hanging plants always make me feel so bad for the little plants. i think i'm going to name my plants. but that'll probably be another post.
then we went to get wine for our phantom of the opera night (LOVED IT!). so needless to say, the money that i didn't spend last week has been spent however i still think i'm under my limit. although i have two more weekends to go and my parent's anniversary is next weekend. and erik said we'd take them out for dinner. (he doesn't want me to have to cook. so sweet <3 nbsp="" p="">
meals we've had so far:
thursday: skinny enchiladas
friday: (erik had skinny enchiladas, i had crackers and cottage cheese)
saturday: erik said we'd order food but i was impatient waiting for him. so i made the most delicious vegetable fried rice with chicken.
sunday: ashley and her lover came over and made us THE most delicious pot roast/risotto.
so nothing that i bought foods for. and we're out of lunch meat. which was expected but still annoying this morning.
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