it's totally normal for me to have dreams like this. i come from a long line of odd dreamers. i loved the little things though. i remember when i was supposed to marry my cousin i couldn't stand how he smelled. and marrying the ex, i hated how he laughed. (true story. terrible thing to hate about someone too.) and i kept thinking "man, this is it for me. this is not what i was hoping for."
thankfully, i didn't have a wedding like that. i feel badly for anyone who had those thoughts on their wedding day.
it did get me thinking about my perfect wedding though. the one that i have all the money in the world to plan and can completely shop off of etsy. this changes depending on my mood. (i'm a girl. it's allowed.) but for round one of emily's dream wedding this is what it includes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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