round one: so i left shannon at walmart (after driving all the way to newington and back) and got all the way to the rochester airport when my mom texted me (around 5:15) that i was supposed to pick up my dad at walmart at 5:15. i had already called him to find out if he was already at adam's. and called adam to tell him i was on my way and to get directions. then i tried my parent's house, my dad again... and then i gave up and 5 minutes later my mom texts me and tells me i'm supposed to be meeting up with my dad.and he lost his phone. so i turned around. - during this time i called my brother. i told him i had to complain about mom to someone who could understand my pain. i should mention, i never call my brother. so when he told me that he was at work and had to go i completely understood and that i had vented enough so i'd talk to him later.(i later found out that he was on a layover) i decided once i finally made it to walmart i should check my oil (the whole time hoping a) i can find him and b) he doesn't leave.) i found him. he was like two rows away from where i had previously been. he later told me he saw me but didn't know if it was me or not and didn't want to beep like a crazy person if it wasn't me. plus he couldn't tell if it was really my car. so he just sat there. (the whole time i was driving there i kept thinking- well at least dad is used to mom so he's used to people being late. he wouldn't leave..) and almost left before i got there. anyhow, i checked the oil when i got there. -- 0 OIL. so we put in some more oil. and drove back to adam's talking about how jake was going to be picked up by mike, they'd probably spend a lot of time together, yadda yadda.
round two: so we get there and i'm thinking oh man - krystal (adam's girlfriend) is pregnant. he proposed. she had her camera out and everything so i'm like this is gonna be big. he said "i do have an announcement, after you guys finish eating your driving down to boston to pick up jake!" honestly, my first thought was oh no. i don't want to drive all the way to boston tonight. ugh. with my parents. blah. yay jake but really? ick. then i thought, eh maybe it won't be that bad. - things you need to know about riding with my mom: she's a terrible driver, riding with her is like being on a roller coaster ride you desperately want to end. when she gets excited, she talks a lot. when she talks a lot, she repeats herself a lot. when she does this i get annoyed. when i get annoyed, i snap at her. when i snap at her she gets emotional. actually, she did ok with the emotional part but not ok with the not driving your daughter insane part.
round three: we got to the airport and mom really had to pee. so i got in the driver seat and she got out to check to see where he was supposed to be coming from and pee. dad and i stayed in the car. no problems. finding people at the airport is super annoying. fyi. awful. texts/phone calls from jake. (during which i think the first conversation i had with him was - LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!) mom comes back. we drive a little. mom gets out again. she gets annoyed even though i'm on the phone with jake. she keeps talking over me. she gets out of the car. i force her to take her phone. she's off for a really long time. dad gets out of the car. a cop pulls up behind me. tells me that i have to move the car. i'm freaking out because two of the people who are supposed to be in the car are no where to be found and i still can't find my brother. i loop around. alone. in a car i've never driven before. i don't' know how to work anything. windshield wipers included. i finally find my brother on the loop back. dont' know how to open the trunk. can't find parents. continue driving. find parents. ugh random stranger. (that happened.)
round four: we talk/read texts from dog on the way home. end up at adam's again for beers. adam and jake talk about weird military things -since adam is in fact leaving for a month. mom continues to annoy me and bring up things i don't want to talk about. asking me questions i've already given her the answers to. wanting to talk about why i hate jake's girlfriend. trying to force me to sleep over and go to work from her house wearing the "weird clothes" i got (yes, apparently jeans and a cardigan is strange to her). needless to say, i was thankful to be headed home at 11:30, tired and alone and not having anyone to talk to. this morning, however, has been rough.
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