one: has anyone else seen the shoes that are on sole society?? it's like they took all my dream shoes and put them on one website and dared me not to buy them all. how did they do that? if i wasn't so broke from my non-spending month i'd be broke for other reasons.
for those of you keeping track, i will take these:
and these:
it amuses me because last night erik and i had our three year anniversary during which i gave him the leather watch i'd purchased when i wasn't supposed to and i told him about how three year anniversarys - you're supposed to give leather products. to which he replied, is that why you were showing me all those leather shoes the other day? it hadn't even occurred to me. no, honey. i'm just obsessed with shoes.
two: my lovely husband. our anniversary was pretty much a wonderful day of excitement and love. i love him. mushy mush mush mush. (will probably discuss later.)
three: work today. (i know. surprising, right?) but here's the thing: a) i got to wear jeans because the boss man is out. b) i believe that the reason that the boss man is out has resulted in closing one of our pretty big cases which is awesome. c) if this case is closed that's the second greatest case closing of the week. and D!!) i OFFICIALLY got my approval to be a notary today!! now all i need is my stamp. wuuuddup?!?
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