i was going to do a NSA recap today, however, i thought maybe i'd do a long weekend recap instead. i mean, this is all just to keep my mind straight in my old age anyhow, isn't it? plus who wants to work with numbers first thing
friday i started my weekend early. i just had to wait for a motion to get delivered to court and then i was out of here. i probably should have gone to the beach or something but instead i think i napped and cleaned and did a whole uber lot of nothing. it's pretty bad when the beach (lake) is less than a mile or two from your house and yet the traffic is so bad you don't want to go. welcome to mitt romney town. anyhow, when the huzz got home we chillaxed a bit and then went on wine/sub date. we lead such exciting lives. i tried to go to the library but - can you believe it? they close at 5 on friday. so... i'm not sure what i did for the rest of my night. i did my "exercises" and watched some tv i guess.
saturday i got up and went out in service, stopped by the office to say hi to jon, went home to find huzz invisible so i had to track him down, decided to walk to the post office to see if my uo package was there (no- and although the post office is open til 3 the window is not. so what's the point of being open? junk mail? no thank you.) then i walked to the library again. i got two books. one i came home and started reading and was totally blown away by how much my conscience has changed in the last few years. i couldn't read it. and the other one.. well it's kinda boring. i wanted to be transported to a fantasy world outside my own and i was not impressed. plus my mood can take form based on what i'm watching/reading so i think being put in the mind of an overweight girl who has no interests and not many friends and whose parents decide to try and buy her a love of reading just wasn't the right mood i wanted to be in. which lead to a funk. so when the opportunity to go to my in laws arose i took it. and the ribs. man, they were delish. oh, and i started cooking the crockpot pork which i set all up and then forgot to turn on. oops. good thing we had ribs. oh and i forgot my phone (because of the huzz) at his parents... so that was weird. not that we're too attached to the phone but when you don't have something you seem to need it more. OH AND I GOT A BAG OF NEW SHOES! SO EXCITING!!
sunday i thought it was saturday all day.except that we went to the meeting. which should have solidified that it was sunday but it didn't. afterward, my cousin had a bbq at his house that i'd never been to so i went to spend time with them which was fun. the long and windy drive home was not so fun. i was very thankful to have monday off. we slept in (til 9:15!) and then got bored around 10:30 and went to walmart (bad idea) then i continued my funk, finished my pork, made Cinnamon Sugar Bread all the while sweating like you would not believe (not in the bread. the bread is delicious btdub). i think i need to go for a run. running is the only thing that makes me feel normal and when i don't do it for a while i get all sorts of funky. but i can't. until tomorrow. remind me to go for a nice long run tomorrow. oh. and remind the weather to stop being a humidasaurus. thanks. back to yesterday... we finished the day by going to our friend's house (beautiful) for dinner (awesome) and playing a game (fact or crap. i just wanted to yell out crap. it was pretty fun. for most of us. maybe not to sir competitive.)
overall, i could use a vacation but i'll take what i can get and right now ... apparently that's all i got.
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