well i guess you could say that this morning started last night. last night as my entire schedule was thrown for a loop, the great husband said "it's going to rain tomorrow." me: "you're still going to wake up though. and when you do you'll wake me up and then we'll start our usual routine." him: "nope. i'm going to wake up at 7:37 and you're going to bring me coffee."
... well.. one of us sure woke up at 7:37. me. which made for some rushing around this morning. which always makes for some interesting stories.
1. i forgot how our new tv works so i turned on the ps4. that got his attention.
2. because i just got my hair cut again and she told me to use paste in my hair to keep it doing the things i want it to, i put this stuff in that's called spike glue. because that's what we have and it seems like a paste consistency. negative. it seems like a glue consistency. now i can't run my hands through my hair. i can't run a brush threw my hair. i might as well have just stuck some gum in it.
3. my outfit is acceptable.
4. i didn't eat breakfast.
5. i left my house late. i need a clock in my bathroom.
6. because i woke up so late, usually i have a chance to drink a cup of before work. since that didn't happen and i was rushing around, i tried to put the coffee pot back where the cups go.
7. it's raining.
8. as i'm rushing down the hallway, trying to figure out how to get my umbrella to work (again sans coffee in my mouth) i spilled probably 1/4 of my sole cup of coffee on my favorite skirt.
9. i didn't end up getting my umbrella open before getting to my car. but i also kinda hoped that some how the rain would wash out the glue. not so much.
10. as i'm leaving my parking lot with no coffee in my system, no breakfast, a lap filled with the coffee i wish was in my mouth, i turn my car around and there's another car. just sitting there. making it so i can't get out of the stinkin' driveway. lady - people have places to go. we're not just hanging out so we can see your benz.
so there you have it folks. another day, another glued hair, lack of coffee, stained skirt, irritable situation. what would make my day perfect is if for whatever reason my boss was like you know what? today - you can go home. just go home. save your skirt and your hair and we'll see you when the rain stops. until then...
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
because english
my dear husband is wearing off on me. he's been ranting for years about the degradation of society. mainly, he rants about how kids speak/not speak, people obsessed with their phones and generally not functioning in/with the world. the man is obsessed with video games, tvs and technology in general and yet cannot understand why people would need to shorten the word "crazy" to cray. or why people can't type out full words and use letters to communicate things. it tends to be a joke between us and yet, i guess, by making it a joke it slips into our vocabularies as well.
reading this article from the atlantic about how english (yes i know i'm ranting about the english language and i refuse to capitalize. irony people.) has a new preposition - because internet. basically people can no longer speak in full sentences. there are too many words included in making complete sentences to generate ideas. honestly, i don't have a problem with these things for the most part. what i have a problem with is that because these things happen and are accepted people do not learn how to correctly communicate with one another and then what's going to happen? *nod, shrug *text* maybe a smile. *end conversation (i almost typed convo. lol. <-- nbsp="" p="" terrible="">
it's bad enough the our attention span is so short everything has to be explained in shorter and shorter methods - soon our feature films will be as long as commercials! or youtube clips. it's bad that i can't sit through a 13 minute youtube clip right? i'm not saying i'm any better than anyone else. i've already admitted to using these forms of speech but i'm afraid of what will happen to the world when people aren't able to communicate any other way.
idiocracy, anyone?
because stupidity. -->
reading this article from the atlantic about how english (yes i know i'm ranting about the english language and i refuse to capitalize. irony people.) has a new preposition - because internet. basically people can no longer speak in full sentences. there are too many words included in making complete sentences to generate ideas. honestly, i don't have a problem with these things for the most part. what i have a problem with is that because these things happen and are accepted people do not learn how to correctly communicate with one another and then what's going to happen? *nod, shrug *text* maybe a smile. *end conversation (i almost typed convo. lol. <-- nbsp="" p="" terrible="">
it's bad enough the our attention span is so short everything has to be explained in shorter and shorter methods - soon our feature films will be as long as commercials! or youtube clips. it's bad that i can't sit through a 13 minute youtube clip right? i'm not saying i'm any better than anyone else. i've already admitted to using these forms of speech but i'm afraid of what will happen to the world when people aren't able to communicate any other way.
idiocracy, anyone?
because stupidity. -->
Friday, November 15, 2013
i had a creepy dream last night
a dream where for whatever reason i had to marry my cousin and at the last moment i was like "we can't do this! we're first cousins!" (these are probably dreams i shouldn't share with the internet. whatever.) so since the wedding was all set up and everyone was already there i was going to marry my ex-boyfriend instead. (i'm guessing this was a scenario where i never actually met my true love and women had to be married...) anyhow, this wedding - in the first place- i'm pretty sure was planned for someone else (i think a friend of mine). reusing weddings, weird. and i was just thrown into it. so we just rolled with it. and as i'm walking down the aisle i grab my ex-boyfriend's brother to be his best man because literally everything was supposed to be for this other wedding. wedding party included.
it's totally normal for me to have dreams like this. i come from a long line of odd dreamers. i loved the little things though. i remember when i was supposed to marry my cousin i couldn't stand how he smelled. and marrying the ex, i hated how he laughed. (true story. terrible thing to hate about someone too.) and i kept thinking "man, this is it for me. this is not what i was hoping for."
thankfully, i didn't have a wedding like that. i feel badly for anyone who had those thoughts on their wedding day.
it did get me thinking about my perfect wedding though. the one that i have all the money in the world to plan and can completely shop off of etsy. this changes depending on my mood. (i'm a girl. it's allowed.) but for round one of emily's dream wedding this is what it includes:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
it's totally normal for me to have dreams like this. i come from a long line of odd dreamers. i loved the little things though. i remember when i was supposed to marry my cousin i couldn't stand how he smelled. and marrying the ex, i hated how he laughed. (true story. terrible thing to hate about someone too.) and i kept thinking "man, this is it for me. this is not what i was hoping for."
thankfully, i didn't have a wedding like that. i feel badly for anyone who had those thoughts on their wedding day.
it did get me thinking about my perfect wedding though. the one that i have all the money in the world to plan and can completely shop off of etsy. this changes depending on my mood. (i'm a girl. it's allowed.) but for round one of emily's dream wedding this is what it includes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Monday, November 4, 2013
chair review.
remember when i told you all about my ball chair and promised further information and then i told you nothing? that was really nice of me..............
..... oh wait you still want to hear about my ball chair?
oh, ok. well, here is the chair with the ball i was using. remember? the ball that made my elbows hurt and my hips feel weak? i had that ball just on the floor and my boss told me i looked like mini me. then i got this chair. but the problem was that i couldn't just inflate the ball it came with and be merrily on my way. no, the ball has to warm up. then you have to inflate it 80% of the way, wait 24 hours and inflate it the rest of the way. what do you do when asked to wait? anything else. so of course i tried to put my ginormous but says it's 55 cm ball on my chair frame. do you think it fits?
..... oh wait you still want to hear about my ball chair?
oh, ok. well, here is the chair with the ball i was using. remember? the ball that made my elbows hurt and my hips feel weak? i had that ball just on the floor and my boss told me i looked like mini me. then i got this chair. but the problem was that i couldn't just inflate the ball it came with and be merrily on my way. no, the ball has to warm up. then you have to inflate it 80% of the way, wait 24 hours and inflate it the rest of the way. what do you do when asked to wait? anything else. so of course i tried to put my ginormous but says it's 55 cm ball on my chair frame. do you think it fits?
do you think i tried to sit on this baby anyhow? do you think i/the chair/the ball went flying? you betcha bottom dollar! only took me twice to figure out that's not a good idea.
so here's the chair with the ball at 80%. not big. not what i was expecting. in fact, the ball itself is sitting on the floor. doesn't even fill up the ring! queue emily freaking out that this isn't going to work!
i went home that weekend, filled 'er up the rest of the way and came back in with a brand new hope.
still it's smaller than expected but it actually fits in the ring quite nicely.
and here i am one week? two weeks? (anyone else feel that was a bit count from sesame street - esque?) into it and i honestly feel like everything is where it's supposed to be. my knees are at about 90 degrees, my elbows are by my sides, and i'm slumping less. also if i sit too long my butt goes a little numb so i have to get up and do something else which is a good reminder.
yup. that's my messy desk. and purple shoes. don't judge. judge. i don't really care.
i did hide my candy stash from you in this picture. :)
yes i'm hunching in this picture. how else are you supposed to fit your body in and take the picture yourself?
also i wanted to show charlie that yes, i do wear my tutu/tulle skirt to the office. hello charles!
Friday, November 1, 2013
italian sausage soup
i'm about to make you jealous and not because of my amazing photography skills.
this soup.
italian sausage soup.
super easy italian sausage soup to be exact.
was made with homemade sausage handmade by my father in law.
as was the homemade bread to go with it.
this was probably the best soup i've ever made.
and erik even liked it. or... ate it rather. and he doesn't usually eat soup.
then again, he was super sick.
but usually i can't get him to eat certain vegetables.
and this has carrots, zucchini and spinach!
i give it an A+!
i've recruited a buddy.
that's right amy has officially agreed to being my #30inthirty buddy. we even have our own google doc. that girl. she loves her google docs. periodically i will check in, let you know how it's going. any interesting stories that i may run into . ... hahaha get it? run. into. haha. i'm awesome.
for example, yesterday - as part of my yearly duties for being an adult - i was getting my car inspected. so i went on a walk to a) get fresh air because i'm pretty sure fresh air has saved me from becoming my husband* b) i had to go to the post office. c) i didn't want to hang out in the car place for 30 - 45 minutes. so i walked. unfortunately i had not thought about walking prior to my arriving at the car place so therefore i was wearing my lovely llbean slippers. which i often try to pass as shoes.

*(fantastic side note: last night erik asked me how on earth i've managed to stay healthy whilst he is basically dying. i truly am the healthier of the two of us. this rocks my socks beyond measure. he's all, "but i work outside, and i'm more active than you are and you work inside and sit around all day..." and i'm all yea but i a) have been drinking water like a fish because i figure if it can't stay in my body, i can't get sick right? b) i've been doing my best to get as much fresh air as possible. i open the window every time he leaves the bedroom... c) i leave the house often. i try to get up and not linger around him. mainly because he's irritable and i find that annoying but also because there are things to do and i have to get them done. and d) i'm trying to stay active. cooking, cleaning, moving... anything. so i'm happy to say, so far so good. although i'm only 75% sure that i've made it out alive and the slight sore throat, mild cough and drippy nose may mean i haven't made it out completely unscathed but i'm alive!
for example, yesterday - as part of my yearly duties for being an adult - i was getting my car inspected. so i went on a walk to a) get fresh air because i'm pretty sure fresh air has saved me from becoming my husband* b) i had to go to the post office. c) i didn't want to hang out in the car place for 30 - 45 minutes. so i walked. unfortunately i had not thought about walking prior to my arriving at the car place so therefore i was wearing my lovely llbean slippers. which i often try to pass as shoes.
the problem with wearing these babies whilst walking for 45+ minutes? i have these little blister/rub spots on the tops of my feet. awesome, right? get your 30 miles with those!
*(fantastic side note: last night erik asked me how on earth i've managed to stay healthy whilst he is basically dying. i truly am the healthier of the two of us. this rocks my socks beyond measure. he's all, "but i work outside, and i'm more active than you are and you work inside and sit around all day..." and i'm all yea but i a) have been drinking water like a fish because i figure if it can't stay in my body, i can't get sick right? b) i've been doing my best to get as much fresh air as possible. i open the window every time he leaves the bedroom... c) i leave the house often. i try to get up and not linger around him. mainly because he's irritable and i find that annoying but also because there are things to do and i have to get them done. and d) i'm trying to stay active. cooking, cleaning, moving... anything. so i'm happy to say, so far so good. although i'm only 75% sure that i've made it out alive and the slight sore throat, mild cough and drippy nose may mean i haven't made it out completely unscathed but i'm alive!
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