this weekend marked the beginning of the end for me. well, beginning of my crazy weekends until probably the end of october with maybe one weekend breather. the beginning is marked with my first wedding i attended solo. i have to say, i thought going to a wedding solo would be a drag but maybe my dad makes everything more fun. would it be weird to invite my dad as my date to all weddings? probably. plus my mom would get jealous. she has moves too. on the dance floor. my moves landed her with an elbow to the face. have i mentioned that i'm an excellent dancer? i am. i can do the robot like no body's business.
my facebook feed has been splatted with pictures from the evening. thankfully none capture me in full dance fantastics...yet.
this is a picture of the two three years ago at my wedding.

this is them at their wedding.

(the best picture i could find.)
this is me at their wedding.
apparently i'm confused. or in deep thought about what eric is saying.
"let me tell you about married life, eric..." is definitely not what i'm saying.
this is the dancing king.
the bearded one. the other is the running king. he ran 6 miles before the wedding. i heard he also ate as many donuts.
this is me having an intelligent conversation with my aunt, barbara.
just kidding.
this is what happens when you try to get all my mom's family together..
and this wasn't even the picture where we forgot that the camera was on a timer..
this is what happens if you try to date me.
*all pictures stolen from marta. cause she's much better than i am and did not forget her camera at home.