Sunday, March 7, 2010

and this is what happened after erik had given up half his suitcase for me but tried to throw out a towel...

during this move i've really had to come to terms with my need for things.
i have a lot. mainly clothing. actually erik would say it's all clothing. and shoes.
i feel like i store memories in clothes. that summer i wore that dress, those shoes i bought with bill, that night out with the girls.
but then there are other things where i feel like i hold on to them because i think they're unique. i think they have something interesting to say. like the towels from my grandparents house that they got in hawaii.
i know i shouldn't be putting so much emphasis on things. and trust me, doing all this and moving cross country with another person in a COROLLA is hard enough.
erik is so willing to just let everything go. poor guy. he has like a pair of pants and a backpack and he's all set... i'm sitting here unwilling to give up my 5 bags of clothes, two bags of shoes and everything else i've ever owned.
i don't know how i got to defining myself with things but it's happened and i don't want to give it up. i want more things but i won't get rid of the ones i have. i like the stories, the thoughts that go along with them... but won't i still have them even if the actual things are there? probably, but i guess i'm afraid i won't have any reason to remember those things, remember those moments, that dance, that day, that person.
but if i do give up that towel... can i get a new shirt? maybe new memories are where it's at :)

i'm so not giving up that towel...

1 comment:

  1. When I moved to Alaska I literally sold everything I owned that didn't fit into one suitcase. I was totally excited about starting over and getting new "things"!

    Stupidest move I have ever made in my life. Ever. Do you have any idea how expensive "things" in Alaska are? Everything has to be shipped here! It costs like 10 times more than shipping my old stuff would have cost!
