Monday, November 4, 2013

chair review.

remember when i told you all about my ball chair and promised further information and then i told you nothing? that was really nice of me..............

..... oh wait you still want to hear about my ball chair?

oh, ok. well, here is the chair with the ball i was using. remember? the ball that made my elbows hurt and my hips feel weak? i had that ball just on the floor and my boss told me i looked like mini me. then i got this chair. but the problem was that i couldn't just inflate the ball it came with and be merrily on my way. no, the ball has to warm up. then you have to inflate it 80% of the way, wait 24 hours and inflate it the rest of the way. what do you do when asked to wait? anything else. so of course i tried to put my ginormous but says it's 55 cm ball on my chair frame. do you think it fits?

do you think i tried to sit on this baby anyhow? do you think i/the chair/the ball went flying? you betcha bottom dollar! only took me twice to figure out that's not a good idea. 

so here's the chair with the ball at 80%. not big. not what i was expecting. in fact, the ball itself is sitting on the floor. doesn't even fill up the ring! queue emily freaking out that this isn't going to work! 
i went home that weekend, filled 'er up the rest of the way and came back in with a brand new hope. 
still it's smaller than expected but it actually fits in the ring quite nicely. 
and here i am one week? two weeks? (anyone else feel that was a bit count from sesame street - esque?) into it and i honestly feel like everything is where it's supposed to be. my knees are at about 90 degrees, my elbows are by my sides, and i'm slumping less. also if i sit too long my butt goes a little numb so i have to get up and do something else which is a good reminder. 
yup. that's my messy desk. and purple shoes. don't judge. judge. i don't really care.

i did hide my candy stash from you in this picture. :) 

yes i'm hunching in this picture. how else are you supposed to fit your body in and take the picture yourself?
also i wanted to show charlie that yes, i do wear my tutu/tulle skirt to the office. hello charles!


  1. are you wear a tutu and a plaid shirt? are you trying to scare away your customers? i think its the angle, but that pic makes it look like the ball is no where near being tall enough for you to reach the desk. now i am picturing a tiny emily working at your desk. hehehehe.

  2. that's called fashionable up there in these darn parts.

  3. I miss both of you far too much. I enjoy your fashion sense and picturing a tiny Emily working hahah :)
