Monday, March 1, 2010

the reason why guys who play video games do not have girlfriends

i'm going to start this off by saying, i love erik more than anything in the world. i would give him part of my liver or one of my kidneys if possible. he is my life. which is kinda sad but he makes every day better. he's extremely kind, loving and caring and he makes me coffee.
part two is that i also do not mind video games. i understand completely the need to let off steam into a different world. (why else would i be here?) i get the fantasy part and how it feels to take on a different role and dominate.
and the second part of that would be that i admire erik's love of video games because i myself have never found a love as strong and passionate for a hobby. i love that he has seen the changes that have occurred over the decades of playing time and i admire his observations in the ways of each game. he's so thoughtful and insightful when it comes to playing. this really matters to him and i honestly am more than happy to have our 42" plasma and ps3. i find that watching him play is more entertaining at some points than anything that i could do...
that being said, i completely understand why those addicted or even with a mild obsession do not have "real life" girlfriends. girls require certain things in relationships in order for them to keep going. consistency for one. girls like to have and give attention and know that they matter more than anything. they like being able to rely on the man beside them for certain things. they do not like being taken advantage of...
now maybe this is part of being "in the game" the mind frame changes and you forget who you really are after a while, but a negative attitude or a crude remark to a girl does not just disappear after you put the controller down (or throw it down). i know you may be hanging with the boys and what not and i can respect your time but seriously? just because you have a 41 kill streak does not mean you have any more dominance in the real world.
i understand the need to complete something. the need to feel like you've accomplished something or moving up in levels. hell, i'm on farmville. i get this. i understand that these things take time an effort and learning and analyzing the game. but real life does not have to be put on hold, people. you can go out and experience things and the video game world will not collapse. you are not by any means "required" to play. it is not your obligation and you are not being paid to do it.
pay attention to me.
if i am put on hold for a video game or scolded because you are trapped in your world, this is not working for me.

note: this is not a (complete) reflection of my current situation. i have some built up aggression towards video games from past experiences.
note number two: will follow up this blog by posting why i love/hate chick flicks.


  1. Haha. I can sooo relate. That's my husband's favorite thing to do.

    As a matter of fact, he's in the livingroom playing Call of Duty as I type this.

  2. erik is mildly obsessed with modern warfare. it's bad because his ps3 is in the trunk right now.
    most times it's good though. it gives us a break from each other. :) i don't mind. except when he gets mw2 brain. then it's scary.

  3. HAHAHA oh my gaarsh. my boyfriend's second job is video games. he and his friends have a podcast about it where they DO get paid, so he basically has to do it. the funny this is, once the podcast started taking off, he rarely has time to play! MUAA HAHA!!
    but when he does, i make sure he keeps his manners in place. even though i like a little gaming myself (the newest Zelda for nintendo DS - spirit tracks - SO GOOD!!).
    i like your thoughts.
