Monday, April 12, 2010

somebody call the whambulance.

this is getting bad. the more i'm home the more i want to be out doing things. when i said i wanted time off this was not what i was expecting. i guess i should have been more clear. having time off is one thing, having time off without a car... very different.
even looking for jobs it's pointless because i have no way to get there. every job that's available is at least a half an hours driving time.
i'm still really excited to take classes but i don't know if i'll be able to because i don't have the money.
planning the wedding is some what useless because i have no money to do anything. it's five months away. we need to purchase or make our invitations asap and i can't do anything about it because i have no money. and no way to make money.
i'm wasting my days here. i know what i want. i know how to get it. i don't know where to get a car to be able to get it all started.
things like this were easier in texas. maybe because i was the one with the car. maybe because i had it all sorted out. but mainly because things were closer.
i wouldn't want to go back there in a million years though. we're so much happier here even if i have nothing to do. we have friends. we have people who know us and places we know where to go and what we're going to get once we're there.
it just sucks during the days when i'm trapped here all by myself with nothing to do but watch tv that makes me feel fat, eat crap (which is my own fault and problem) and look for jobs i can't get because they're too freaking far away. this is my life.
welcome to my pity party. tea for all. but i ate all the cookies so deal.

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