Saturday, December 12, 2009


sometimes i forget that erik knows his options. i forget that he chose me, out of everyone else in the world to spend the rest of his life with. i start thinking about how maybe he'd be happier some where else, or maybe he wonders if he made the right choice? how could he possibly want to be with me? someone who asks a million questions and worries and analyzes every situation to a fault... someone who is constantly thinking ahead rather than living in the moment...
i mean don't get me wrong, i am fabulous and wonderful and every man's dream wife to be (although most of that is often forgotten in my mind of chaos and worries..) sometimes, i look at myself and i worry that i'm not the person i was that he fell in love with or that he'll find something else that he likes more and i freak myself out because all i can think about is how lucky i am to have this amazing man in my life and how on earth could i ever live with out him now?
but he's pretty gosh darn lucky too.... and he chose me. :)


  1. Today is the 17th anniversary of the day I met my husband. I sometimes still have days when i feel exactly the way you do, "What did I do in my previous life to deserve this man? I must have been a saint!" - G
    PS - I love your "About Me" statement, especially the part about hypothesizing ad naseum - yup, that's me. :)

  2. i've been told i'm too much of a planner to see the present. it's a life, but it's my life and i love it. :) glad to see i'm not alone.
