Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rosa's Fine Dining

so erik and i have officially had our second fight. (our first fight involved an apple core in my salad bowl)
fight#2 started out like this.
me: honey, i want burritos! let's get burritos for dinner!*
him: ok, where should we go?
(i don't know lubbock! are you kidding me? i just moved here too!)
so i decided it was best that we ask my friend's husband where we could get good burritos like chipolte or dos amigos; not that he, being a true texan, would know what i meant by that.
he suggested rosa's cafe. they're cheap and good. my fave.
then he told me they were located on quaker and 4th.... me thinking i have great direction skills took it from there. let me also state that this was erik's second time driving in texas and we had my friend's two year old babbling in the backseat.
and scene:
me: baby, just get on the loop and go to quaker.
him: o the loop, like by our place.
driving. driving. driving. driving.
him: ok so which way do we go?
me: uhhhh... i don't know i've never been there before. take a right so you're on quaker and we'll figure it out.
head scratching...
me: uhhh.... i think we're really supposed to be more towards 4th. (the street we live on, we were currently at 73rd....) we can just ride up quaker.
17 million stop lights later.
we stop to get gas.
erik has by this point become less chatty.
7 more stop lights.
me: well, the address says 4407 4th so i think we should go right...
(erik still being a good sport but obviously waaaaaaaay less happy)
me: i think we should turn around. this is tech. i don't think rosa's would be in tech.
him: why don't you just look it up and tell me which way i'm supposed to go?!?!?
me: baby! i've never been there before! how am i supposed to know these things?! can't you just find some place to turn around?
him: why don't you figure out where we're going so i don't have to keep turning around!!
me, mopey and grumpy and a bit hungry: look it's right there!

thankfully we made it in ok.
and then we got the food. this food was the most disgusting pile of dirty grease i've ever encountered. we thought taco bell was bad, taco bell was heaven compared to this place.
we got two chicken burritos. the only way to describe them was to say that they were like sweaty, dirty balls. it was, no joke, slimy chicken meat wrapped in this gummy tortilla that was about 4 inches long. within two bites, we were sick to our stomachs and ready to leave.

the greatest part was on the way out we followed lubbock's finest, all of which apparently meet and dine at rosa's.

then we drove about 2 seconds down the road to united, where we picked up a frozen pizza. the same united, might i add, that we had walked to from our apartment the day before...

*all conversation stemmed from emily's crazed memory

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