Thursday, February 11, 2010

hibernation = coma.

thursdays should not be perfect lazy weekend days. it's just not fair having the perfect sunday on a thursday and not only being stuck at work but knowing that there's a whole day that i still have to go to work before i can be lazy...
thursday kaylee and i were discussing this in not so many words. we had had a long night.
wednesday was steve's birthday. we went bowling. and although i did not rip my pants or throw up during a test the next day, the late night was weighing on me.
and it was perfect. snowing, just the right amount that would be wonderful to just sit and watch the flakes fall. it was cold but not too cold. just perfect lazy day. and i was trapped on the phone listening to people complain.
kaylee came up with the perfect solution. although, we are not allowed to claim lazy days as sick days -- we are allowed short term disability. hibernation, the bears short term coma!
this brought me later to thinking dane cook's distaste for girls who exaggerate. what if it wasn't an exaggeration? what if she seriously took a hundred hour nap??
next time there's a good, lazy snow day... that's what i'm doing. i'm gonna call in work and let them know that i'm taking a coma. be back shortly...

1 comment:

  1. Haha!!! Let me know when you take your coma so i can take mine. At least with short term dissability we can still get paid!
