Monday, February 8, 2010

sunshine and rainbows, minus the sunshine and actual rainbows

i'm feeling suuupppper positive today and i'm having a hard time keeping it to myself.
all i can think about is how thursday --i'm giving my two weeks notice. from that moment i promise myself that i will never work a job i hate. even if that means never attempting to work a full time job. this is killing me. i hate being fake. i hate being surrounded by negative people. i hate doing things because i was told to and not because they're actually helpful.
which is why i credit like a mofo. that's right, you call me... i'll find something to credit on your bill. unless you're an asshole... or ask for it. then you can suck it.
i think the other part of my glorious mood today was that my manager, satan's spawn, was not at work today. everything seems so much bettter when i don't have to see her crack addicted face.
and i got a lot accomplished. i called the credit card company, i went to the bank, i made erik lunch and coffee, i went grocery shopping, i talked to my mom and now i'm blogging.
and i ate ice cream.
it was fabulous.

but most of all--- it's now only 3 days until i give my two weeks notice and start our road trip home.
i'm so pumped.

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