Wednesday, October 2, 2013

beth in show

maybe you don't watch youtube. because you're an alien or you haven't heard of it yet. that's ok. i'm here to inform you: it's safe. go at it, big boy. ... wow. that just got weird.

anyhow, since i know i'm basically writing this to amy and i could just write her an email but then it on the off chance someone else hasn't heard of the internet (i recently learned that 15% of people don't use the internet because they think it's hard or costly or don't have access to it. weird, right? i read too many random articles... on the internet...) and hasn't heard of my favorite youtubers i thought i'd share.

obviously anyone who hasn't heard of dailygrace has just been living in a hole. and if you haven't heard of her, welcome. take a shower and watch every episode possible. however, the real reason i wanted to share this was because of my new love, beth in show. i had a really hard time picking my favorite video of hers but this one is pretty high up there. along with any of her interviews (where she auditions or where she interviews awesome people like gweneth paltrow or amanda bynes.)

here goes nothing:

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