Friday, January 15, 2010

just because they decided to make my day a little worse...

so, i already had one blog going for me today but i can't keep this to myself.
as is previously stated, maybe not so bluntly but---my job and i, not a match made in heaven.
things are expected of me that i believe to be ridiculous. for example, i can't just take care of your problem.. i must also AS A REQUIREMENT show that i am empathetic to your issue. i'm sorry (and this is nothing against certain purse pukers) you found a way to ruin your indestructible phone or things didn't turn out exactly as you wanted. i'm not a magician in a call center; my life is not to please you or solve all your issues.
worst than having to be the most perfect call taker ever known to mankind--
today i have to bring in a potato and eat it with my coworkers.
this job has included my hatred of grocery shopping with my disgust of having to be fake to make ends meet and my fear of eating foods random people bring in.
thankfully, i have training for most of the day so i won't have to be kind to strangers who are just using me for my skills at adjusting their bills... just the strangers that i have to sit next to and yell over for the next month and a half...


  1. "today i have to bring in a potato and eat it with my coworkers." Wow, and I thought my workplace team-building activities at work were odd. Hope things get better soon! Do you at least get to have a real weekend? - G

  2. what's worse is that i got to work, steaming potato in purse, and my manager wasn't there hence-- potato potluck canceled. what am i supposed to do with all this butter now????
    and yes, weekend sweet weekend-- come quickly and last forever.

  3. I hate work potlucks! I always feel like I'm supposed to socialize and get guilted into eating crap food I would never normally touch! So sad...
